

X-Mas party at the office

I always wanted to be a part of an "Boca Style" office Christmas party. This one was not one of those parties. We all brought an item ti share with the office. Their was quiche, spinach dip, veggies, honey ham, meatballs-n-peppers, eggnog, and lots of dark rum. I decided to bring the eggnog. So after a few dark rum eggnog's... i decided to put my camera to work...

here is my little corner... overlooks the front door and the accountants / "your fired" office
2008-12-23 office XMAS party

This lil guy is Baily, barks uncontrollably at ALL strangers
2008-12-23 office XMAS party 2008-12-23 office XMAS party

and some food, their was another pict but the camera broke... pwndIPhone (@_@ )
2008-12-23 office XMAS party

2008-12-23 office XMAS party


Weekend in Review

Started on making a new movie... about zombies. a friend gave me his broken xbox 360. and the rest was a blur...


Weekend in review

So the weekend is over once again. Whats new? Lots of course. Friday was good because i secured a part time position as a web editor. Which should take care of my gas bill, one of many. Then Friday night was movie night with my sister. Four Christmases was ok, not as funny as the trailers made it out to be. Then Saturday was the start of new production in another movie im in. Of which, title is still unknown. Sunday was the start of filming of the movie. while Sunday night was a night with the crew and an xbox. Sorry, no picts again...