


is it me or does "google plus" sound like "ku klux"... ask any 1yr old
...dont you hate it when people blame you for something they lost... ESPECIALLY when the thing they lost was in the same exact place they left it... roll1up
handlebars remix! "i can ride your girl with no condom on.. no condom on.. no condom on! o can ride your girl with no condom on.. no condom on!" aahaha ahem.. it was funny if you knew the song...
damn you midnight munchies!!!


oh, you wanted to know the secret of life? how to avoid this 'struggle'... yes ill tell you... but then would you believe me?


I wonder of Levar Burton or Bill Nye was ever high on set???.. i know Steve Burns was, you my boy blue!!!
Wow,the scene downtown los olas has changed... Alot!!!!!!!!! Hustlers have done their hustle in '11... N moved up or out.


thinking on hitting up ft liquerdale tonight with fam... maybe even miami... what are the best spots for tonight ?


by accident..just because JUSTIN BIEBER has so many haters... im now a BIEBER fan
have you ever been online and saw something online a loong time ago and thought it was cool... then when a friend asks you to look for it... its gone.... dman you crewl secret internet deleters!!! damn youuuuuuu!!!
i think when i get my next GTR ill name it "Grand Tyrannosaurus Rex"
so who saves someones life just to see them lose it :( ...bad day


what are you doing for new years? NEW YEARS YACHT PARTY! hit me up to get on!




"Do you ever get that feeling..... That your gonna die" - my tune for the nigh, thx ms Baxter
forget the $500 club tickets... NEW YEARS YACHT PARTY!!!.. hit me up for more info