

what is your favorite forign film or films that you think i might like?
brushed up on ALL of Richard Pryors videos... comedy sure has changed


Dont Google yourself then compare to 'Richie Presto', you will be disappointed... seriously


. then die
In life, ages 0-10, u learn your survival skills, 10-20 learn basis of Living, 20-30 the finial stages of learning... if u didn't learn success by then..
going to be a hard week ahead :(
well, congratulations to Spain, hope travel deals start going down
Foot in mouth, watching final at qdeck in ft liddy
Its a white mans game this year, Spain will lose to Germany which will face z Dutch

2010-07-08 it gay when a guy puts another mans face as his avatar... because he loves him soooo much? you be the judge
lifes kinda edgy when you got the ____ tracking my FB page